Thursday 19 March 2015

My Daily Activities

Hai friends! I’m back! Whoaaaa udah lama banget rasanya gue nggak ngeposting sesuatu disini. Tadinya sih gue bingung mau posting apaan. Tapi, beberapa waktu lalu dosen Bahasa Inggris gue sempat ngasih tugas yang mengharuskan gue menceritakan semua kegiatan gue dari bangun pagi sampai tidur lagi. And of course I should use english for it. Naahh, karena itu gue jadi mikir, kenapa gue nggak nyoba nyeritainnya di blog gue, pake bahasa gue sendiri tentunya. Tapi tenang, lo nggak perlu khawatir, bahasa gue bukan bahasa 4L4Y, cuma sedikit lebay aja kok :v 

Maka dari itu siapin diri lo, karena setelah paragraf yang satu ini selesai, dan lo mulai membaca paragraf yang baru, gue bakalan make bahasa inggris full. Satu lagi, lo akan membutuhkan beberapa hal berikut untuk membaca paragraf selanjutnya : Kamus Bahasa Inggris, google translate, Handpone yang ada aplikasi kamus nya, dan tentunya yang paling penting – Sikat gigi. Ya, pikirin aja itu untuk apa. Kalo udah tau, jangan lupa tulis di kolom komentar di bawah postingan ini. Nah, check it out..This is my daily activities. #Wohooo

Hi my lovely friends and fanss! I know that you really really miss me. I’m sorry cause not posting something in here for a long time. Don’t worry, because I’m back now! Yeah, right now! Right here! in my sweet blog! #Wohooo

Ok guys! I will start from my morning activities. I usually wake up at 5.00 a.m.Yeah, actually when I wake up from my beautiful dream, I don’t directly go to bathroom. I sit, look up at my phone, check my BBM first :v, and then go to bathroom to wash my face, and take a bath. If I wake up before adzan subuh, I usually open my book and read it for a while. And little information for you, actually I really seldom wake up before adzan subuh, usually I wake up when I hear adzan subuh, so it’s mean that I seldom study before subuh, haha :D 

When time to Subuh prayer  is come, I go to bathroom (again) and take ablution, and then do Subuh prayer in my bedroom. After that, at 6.00 a.m I clean my home. Sweep my bedroom, wash the plate, flush the flower and many others. Do you know why I do this in the morning? Yeah, its just because if I don’t do that before I go to campus, when I go home after campus, I will never do it. Tired after go to campus :’)

After that I breakfast with my sister. Sometime I cook for breakfast, but if I don’t have time, I just buy it in my favourite place, in “Kedai Umi” near with my home. 
And then when I have Campus schedule in the morning, I prepare my self and go to campus at 7.30 a.m. I came to campus at 7.45 a.m. While wait my lecture come, I chat with my friend in the class. When my lecture is come, we all silent and listen what my lecture say. Yeahh actually not too silent. So many of my friends make some noise at the class haha. At 12.00 p.m I with my friends (Revyca, nanda, izu) go to my friend house for take a rest, eat, and pray Zuhur (Liani’s home :v). At 1.30 p.m I go back to campus and study again. After that, at 3.30 p.m I go back to my home. Usually before I go home, I buy some food for my dinner. When I arrive at home, I take a rest for a while and then I take a bath. Because you know, temperature in our lovely city (Pekanbaru) is very hot. So, I can’t if I don’t take a bath when I come home after go to campus, I just feel I really really need water. After that, I just watch the television.  

At 4.00 p.m I do ablution and then do Ashar prayer in my bedroom. After pray, I back to my activity before, watching television. So, until time to Maghrib prayer is come, I just sit and watch the television. A little bit boring actually. And then I pray maghrib, dinner and then at 7.30 p.m I pray Isya, at 8.00 p.m I open my book and study. At 9.00 p.m I finish study, then I chat with my friend via BBM. When I chat with my classmate in our class group, its can be dangerous because we gonna be “mad” and our chat is really really crazy xD I can’t stop laugh if talk with them. It also can make me sleep in the midnight. Yeah, actually in my expectation I will sleep at 9.00 or 10.00 pm. But in the real? I can sleep at 1.00 a.m and it cause all of my crazy friend. Hahah :v

Okay, it’s all what I do in my day. Thanks for read until the end. Wait me in the next post, okay? Don’t be bored to read my blog! See you again, fans! Love you<3

With love,

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